Game Pitch Challenge @ West Coventry Academy

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Code Workshop

Game Pitch Challenge

Event Report

I helped out with the SUMO Game Pitch Challenge at West Coventry Academy alongside Ahead Partnership!

There were 10 volunteers from Sumo Digital Ltd / Lab42 Games / Sumo Leamington, and a year group of around 120 Year 8 students!

We ran workshops in Code, Art, Design, and Audio.
Me and 2 colleagues were running the Code workshop, where we had to help students debug a Python game with lots of intentional bugs!

There was also a game pitch challenge throughout the rest of the day where all the students got together and pitched a game, and drew up ideas in their own teams!

There were some amazing ideas from the students, they all did a really great job!

• 94% said taking part helped them think about their goals after school
• 93% increased their knowledge about technology and digital
• 93% developed their creative-thinking and design skills
• 82% increased their optimism and excitement about the world of work and their options after school

About Amy Elliott
Amy Elliott

Hi! My name is Amy, and Im a programmer based in the UK! I love playing and making video games and recently entering the games industry has only increased my interest in games development. Im a big fan of technical and creative experimentation, and I do this by participating in gamejams and small projects in my spare time. I love learning new things, from game engines and programming all the way to maths and fun projects using an Arduino.

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