I attended West Coventry Academy to represent Sumo Digital. I helped run a game pitch day with some collegues.
I attended GirlsTechWM to represent Sumo Digital. I helped run a game dev workshop with 2 collegues, and done a talk for 160~ secondary school aged students about how they can use their current school subjects to help them start up a portfolio for the Tech Industry.
In August, I started my year-long placement at Sumo Leamington, and in that time, I’ve learned and done so much at work!
I got invited back to my old college to talk to students studying Games Development at an industry day, this talk was a few months after my first talk, so I was able to reflect upon my speaking and presentation from then.
I delivered a talk to students in my old high school, this was my first time talking in front of a large audience in person, as up to this point, a lot of the stuff I had done was online due to covid!
Back in July, I volunteered at Into Games to help a group of students with project management for designing and prototyping a mining game loop. This was my first ever mentoring experience.
Shortly after volunteering to mentor at an Into Games event, I had found an opportunity to help students solve any problems with programming in a Gamejam using Twine, which is a tool I’ve not used before!
I was given the opportunity to work on engine programming for Old School RuneScape’s C++ Client, this helped me learn lots about how game engines work.
One morning, I woke up to an email titled 'Welcome to Jagex Games Studio' - I could barely believe it!
In this blog, I discuss my Technical Games Development module, And how it helped me learn to develop my core team working skills for use in games development.